Goods Sent Abroad for Repair and Reimported Within the Stipulated Period May Be Assessed Duty Based on Repair Costs

Keelung Customs stated that according to Article 37 of the Customs Act, goods sent abroad for repair must be reimported within one year from the day following the date of export clearance. If there are factual reasons, a written request for a six-month extension may be submitted to the Customs before the expiration of the deadline. In such cases, import duties may be assessed based on the valuation of repair costs. If reimportation is delayed beyond the deadline, duties will be assessed based on the value of general imported goods. The aforementioned “date of reimportation” refers to the date of arrival at a port of entry in the country as defined in Article 6 of the Enforcement Rules of the Customs Act.

Keelung Customs explained that to facilitate the confirmation of the identity of the exported and reimported goods, the aforementioned goods sent abroad for repair should have their item name, quantity, specifications, and a declaration stating that they were sent abroad for repair detailed on both the export and import declarations. Additionally, the nature of the damage or defects requiring repair should be stated on the export declaration, and the statistical method should be reported as 7M (domestic goods exported for repair) or 9M (foreign goods returned from overseas repair).

Keelung Customs further explained that recently, some businesses have reported reimported goods for duty assessment based on repair costs. However, customs inspections have revealed that these goods were not the original goods sent abroad for repair but were instead replaced with new goods by foreign manufacturers due to their inability to repair the original goods. Therefore, Article 37 of the Customs Act does not apply in such cases, and import duties should be assessed based on the value of general imported goods. If there is any underpayment of taxes due to false declarations, the Customs Smuggling Act will be applied.

Keelung Customs finally reminded businesses that if they wish to assess import duties for goods sent abroad for repair based on repair costs, they must reimport the goods within the statutory period and confirm before customs clearance that they are the original goods sent for repair to avoid additional taxes or penalties.

Contact person: Chen Cheng-Hsuan, Wudu Branch, Tel: (02) 8648-6220 ext. 2711

貨物送國外修理後遵期復運進口 得以修理所需費用計徵關稅


資料來源: Ministry of Finance R.O.C.

Keelung Customs Bureau: Export Procedures for Used Motor Vehicles and Engines

Keelung Customs Bureau has announced that the export of used motor vehicles and engines must comply with the “Verification Procedures for Exporting Used Motor Vehicles and Engines” (hereinafter referred to as the “Verification Procedures”). Exporters must first apply for a non-stolen vehicle verification from the Third Mobile Unit of the National Police Agency (hereinafter referred to as the “Third Mobile Unit”) or its subordinate units. Based on the verification report and list issued by the Third Mobile Unit, exporters can then proceed with the export formalities at customs. In the “Verification Method” field of the export declaration, the code “8” should be entered to indicate “document verification”.

The Bureau explained that, according to Article 2 of the Verification Procedures, “used motor vehicles and engines” refer to vehicles that have already been licensed, used vehicles and engines, or scrap vehicles and engines that are still usable. This includes 99 items such as old automobiles under tariff headings 8703 and 8704, old motorcycles under tariff heading 8711, and old engines under tariff headings 8407 and 8408. In accordance with other relevant export regulations stipulated in the “List of Restricted Export Goods” announced by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, exporters must apply for a non-stolen vehicle verification from the Third Mobile Unit prior to export in accordance with the Verification Procedures. When filing a customs declaration, the verification report and list must be attached, and the word “USED” should be added to the description of goods in the export declaration. The code “8” should be entered in the “(Application) Verification Method” field. The system will automatically approve “document verification clearance (C2)” or “cargo inspection clearance (C3)”. After verification, the goods will be released.

The Bureau further reminded that, according to Article 6, paragraph 2 of the Verification Procedures, if the vehicle registration data shows that the vehicle is in normal use and will not be re-imported, or if there is a chattel mortgage or suspension of use, the exporter must additionally submit proof that the vehicle owner has returned the license plate to the highway motor vehicle administration agency, canceled the chattel mortgage, or reported the scrapped or canceled registration of the suspended vehicle to the highway motor vehicle administration agency before applying to the Third Mobile Unit for written verification.

Finally, the Keelung Customs Bureau urged that if the exported goods are used motor vehicles or engines, exporters and customs brokers should pay attention to the aforementioned procedures and regulations to avoid delays in customs clearance due to non-compliance and the need for re-verification, which could affect their own interests.

Contact: Mr. Chen, Section 2, Business Division, Telephone: (02) 2420-2951 ext. 5111


出口舊機動車輛及引擎 應檢附非贓車查證報告


NEWS FROM: Keelung Customs Bureau

Labor Strike Crisis Looms Over U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast Ports

 labor strike crisis is brewing among port workers along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast. The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), representing tens of thousands of dockworkers, has halted contract negotiations with the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) over issues of port automation technology. The union is protesting the use of automated gate systems that do not require union labor to operate, claiming it violates existing labor agreements.

The ILA’s main demands include preventing automation from replacing workers’ jobs, securing similar wage increases to those achieved by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) on the West Coast, and ensuring that new terminal jobs are assigned to union members. The current contract is set to expire on September 30th, and the union has stated it will not extend the contract deadline, meaning a strike is likely if a new agreement is not reached by then.

If a strike occurs, it will have a significant impact on the supply chain, potentially causing delays and increased costs for imported goods, negatively affecting multiple industries, including retail. Businesses could face inventory shortages and price increases. Additionally, past strike actions have led to increased airfreight demand as companies seek alternative solutions to avoid disruptions in ocean services.

This strike crisis highlights the conflict between port automation and workers’ interests, the union’s tough stance, and the complexities of labor contract negotiations, foreshadowing uncertainty in U.S. port operations over the coming months.

Here are some additional points to note:

  • The article provides a concise and informative overview of the potential labor strike at U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast ports.
  • It highlights the key issues at stake, including concerns over automation, wage increases, and job security.
  • The article discusses the potential impact of a strike on the supply chain and businesses.
  • It concludes by emphasizing the uncertainty surrounding the situation and the potential for disruptions to port operations.

CBP Announces Implementation of Recent USDA Rule Change Allowing Individuals to Travel with Certain Fruits and Vegetables

Travelers may now bring tomatoes and peppers into U.S., but not seeds 

WASHINGTON – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will implement a recent change allowing travelers to enter the United States with peppers and tomatoes for personal use from most countries.

Effective June 17, 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) amended the restrictions for the importation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and pepper (Capsicum spp.) Federal Order DA-2024-21, supersedes Federal Order DA-2020-12. The change comes after the USDA, APHIS issued a new Federal Order allowing travelers to bring certain fruits for personal consumption into the United States. The requirements concerning propagative plant material (seeds) listed in Federal Order DA-2020-12 remain unchanged.

To safeguard U.S. agriculture against the introduction of the tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV), APHIS maintains restrictions for the importation of tomato and pepper plant propagative material, such as plants intended for planting, plant parts and cuttings, and seeds, as seeds are considered a high-risk pathway for the introduction of viruses like ToBRFV. APHIS amended the restrictions for importation of tomato and pepper fruit when it concluded fresh fruit for consumption is an unlikely pathway for the introduction of the virus into tomato and pepper production areas. Tomato and pepper fruits remain prohibited from Canada when entering in passenger baggage. APHIS concluded that propagative plant material, including seeds, remains a risk. More information can be found on the current ToBRFV Federal Order on USDA’s website.

Imported fruits and vegetables are still subject to CBP inspection at ports of entry. Travelers should declare all agriculture products upon arrival at a U.S. port of entry to avoid delays and civil penalties for failure to declare agriculture products. More information can be found on CBP’s Know Before You Go web page.



News from:

CBP Announces Implementation of Recent USDA Rule Change Allowing Individuals to Travel with Certain Fruits and Vegetables

Travelers may now bring tomatoes and peppers into U.S., but not seeds 

WASHINGTON – U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will implement a recent change allowing travelers to enter the United States with peppers and tomatoes for personal use.

Effective June 17, 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) amended the restrictions for the importation of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and pepper (Capsicum spp.) Federal Order DA-2024-21, supersedes Federal Order DA-2020-12. The change comes after the USDA, APHIS issued a new Federal Order allowing travelers to bring certain fruits for personal consumption into the United States. The requirements concerning propagative plant material (seeds) listed in Federal Order DA-2020-12 remain unchanged.

To safeguard U.S. agriculture against the introduction of the tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV), APHIS maintains restrictions for the importation of tomato and pepper plant propagative material, such as plants intended for planting, plant parts and cuttings, and seeds, as seeds are considered a high-risk pathway for the introduction of viruses like ToBRFV. APHIS amended the restrictions for importation of tomato and pepper fruit when it concluded fresh fruit for consumption is an unlikely pathway for the introduction of the virus into tomato and pepper production areas. APHIS concluded that propagative plant material, including seeds, remains a risk. More information can be found on the current ToBRFV Federal Order on USDA’s website.

Imported fruits and vegetables are still subject to CBP inspection at ports of entry. Travelers should declare all agriculture products upon arrival at a U.S. port of entry to avoid delays and civil penalties for failure to declare agriculture products. More information can be found on CBP’s Know Before You Go web page.


Last Modified: Jun 28, 2024

French ports face a month of chaos and disruption as workers strike

A month of chaos and disruption could lie ahead for France’s major ports, including box hubs Le Havre and Marseille-Fos.

Labour unions representing dockers and other port workers look set to carry out their threat to stage several one-day strikes, as well as numerous four-hour work stoppages this month, in protest over pension reform that increased the statutory retirement age in France.

The first of the 24-hour strikes took place on Friday, with Le Havre’s ro-ro, bulk and container terminals reportedly blocked by dockers. Four ship calls were cancelled and a further 18 calls delayed.

The same day, an estimated 600 dockers and other port workers blocked the main entry point of trucks at the Fos box terminal.

Among the other French ports hit by the stoppages are Dunkirk, Rouen, Bordeaux and Nantes Saint-Nazaire. At Rouen, three ships and two barges have been delayed.

“The government doubted our ability to mobilise our members. Now they’ll see just how united we are in our demands,” warned Serge Coutouris, deputy general secretary of the Ports and Docks branch of the CGT union.

According to the union, the prevailing sentiment is one of betrayal by French president Emmanuel Macron, who made a promise in his re-election campaign in 2022 that raising the retirement age would not apply to dockworkers and port workers.

The next 24-hour strikes are scheduled for 13, 21 and 25 June, with four-hour walk-outs on three days of each week this month.

Industrial action could be extended into July if the unions do not receive a satisfactory response from the government to their demands.

Trade bodies representing road hauliers and logistics providers said they were suffering considerable disruption to their business, citing delays of up to a week in obtaining bookings at Marseille and Le Havre terminals, for example, while also incurring extra costs due to the immobilisation of goods and the diversion of logistics flows to other European ports.

For the Fédération Nationale des Transports Routiers, Organisation des Transporteurs Routiers Européens and Union des Entreprises de Transport et de Logistique, the port strikes couldn’t have come at a worse time.

A joint statement from the organisations said: “The container transport business has only just begun to pick up after a number of recent crises, jeopardising the survival of many companies,” and called on the government to implement measures to support firms particularly badly hit by the strikes and to lift restrictions for HGV traffic over the coming weekends.

The port authority of Marseille was approached by The Loadstar, but no one was immediately available to comment on the impact of the strikes.


News from:

Blank sailings on the rise at Canadian ports as carriers fret over rail strike

As uncertainty hangs over Canada’s rail system being shut down by a strike, shipping lines on the transpacific trade have begun to cancel calls to the country’s main pacific gateways, Vancouver and Prince Rupert.

“Anticipation of a strike keeps carriers on their toes, with some already taking significant action to omit, blank, or swap calls into Vancouver in June and beyond,” an eeSea trade update said.

“There are 14 port swaps and diversions away from Canada into US gateway ports confirmed from week 24 onward, as well as three completed since mid-May,” it added.

Of the forthcoming blank sailings announced through to the end of week 31 and the beginning of August, six are on Zim’s ZPX service, which is now not scheduled to call at Vancouver until at least week 31.

During the same period, MSC’s Chinook, SM Lines’ PNS and THE Alliance’s PN4 service will all blank Vancouver once, as will the Ocean Alliance’s PNW1 and PNW4 strings, and its PNW3 service twice.

“A whopping 10 of these blanks were announced in the past month alone,” eeSea noted.

At Prince Rupert, just three blanks – one each on the THE Alliance’s PN4 and the Ocean Alliance’s PSW2 and PNW2 services – have so far been announced for the period.

The liner analyst added that ports on Canada’s Atlantic coast were expecting just seven blanks – three of are Tropical Shipping’s three-vessel Canada-Caribbean loop, as the 1,150 teu Tropic Lissette has been undergoing scheduled maintenance.

Zim’s CFX, which offers a feeder service from MSC’s Kingston transhipment hub to Miami, New York and Halifax, is also set to blank three sailings during the period, and THE Alliance’s Asia-North America east coast EC5 service is set to blank its sailing in week 31.

“Further delay to the strike action, and/or government intervention, means an indefinite extension of measures taken by carriers to predict this impact, creating a persistent shadow of doubt on the weeks ahead,” eeSea warned.

In happier news for Canadian importers, however, it noted that THE Alliance’s EC5 service had seen a strong improvement in schedule reliability, after “these past few weeks have seen a considerable reshuffling of its vessels and slot assignments”, which had led to delays coming down from a minimum of 20 days on the first (North America) call at Halifax, to “10 days or fewer from last week onwards”.


News from:


Industriales reportan más de $us 10 millones de pérdida por cada día de bloqueo de camioneros

La Cámara Nacional de Industrias reportó una pérdida de 10 millones de dólares por día debido al bloqueo del transporte pesado nacional e internacional que demanda provisión de combustibles y acceso a dólares.

El presidente de la entidad, Pablo Camacho, dijo que la medida de presión no sólo genera pérdidas económicas, sino que también pone en riesgo al menos 600 mil fuentes de empleo en el país y el deterioro de 39 mil industrias.

“Cuando nuestro país necesita trabajar, producir y exportar se ve una afectación al sector industrial, al sector formal, que supera los 10 millones de dólares”, lamentó en un contacto con la red DTV sobre los efectos negativos de la medida de presión de 48 horas que concluye este martes.

El empresario afirmó que la imagen de país se ve deteriorada con el bloqueo de carreteras, “porque lo único que exportamos es conflicto. Todo esto es porque los bolivianos hemos perdido el concepto de diálogo, y hoy todo es bloqueo”.


News from:

Maersk’s new surcharge strategy raises eyebrows

Maersk has announced a change in the way it will bill customers for fuel-related surcharges, with the introduction of its Fossil Fuel Fee (FFF).

Announced today (Friday 31 May), the FFF groups together two previous charges – its bunker adjustment factor surcharge (BAF) and its low sulphur surcharge (LSS) – under a single banner.

In a customer advisory, the Danish shipping giant said: “Our goal is to bring ease and connectivity to your logistics.

“We believe that the simplification to one surcharge related to fuel on ocean will offer multiple benefits. The FFF Tariff will be available from Q3 2024. In other words, it will be effective from 1 July 2024.”

It noted that as of 1 July, all new contractual quotes that were over three months’ validity would be quoted with FFF.

Pre-existing contracts under the old BAF and LSS surcharging schemes will remain in place until their point of renewal – meaning BAF and LSS tariff rates would continue to be published – thereafter transitioning to FFF.

However, commentators were quick to note that precise details of the FFF had yet to be made public, with no indication of the surcharge calculation methodology that would be used.

One, speaking to The Loadstar, even suggested that the move was geared towards helping Maersk recoup “the huge extra cost of methanol,” adding that it sounded very much “like a clever way to wrap up this cost”.

They added: “As always, the devil will be in the detail when the charge is revealed. I think many shippers will be suspicious, particularly when carriers are clearly taking advantage.

“The other question is: will the FFF apply to shipments on scrubber-fitted ships and/or LNG-powered vessels operated by Maersk’s Gemini partner Hapag? It will be interesting to see the reaction from shippers.”



Singapore reopens defunct container terminals to tackle vessel bunching

Authorities battling congestion in Singapore port have reopened shuttered terminals to alleviate the mounting pressure on the world’s largest transhipment hub.

The Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) yesterday announced that port operator PSA had “reactivated older berths and yards that have previously been decanted at Keppel Terminal”, which has upped the port’s weekly handling capacity from 770,000 teu to 820,000.

It said although box volumes in the port over the first four months of 2024 had grown 8.8% year on year, to 13.36m teu, the problems had largely been caused by carriers seeking to play catch-up in their schedules at Singapore.

“We have seen large increases in container volumes and the “bunching” of container vessel arrivals over the previous months, due to supply chain disruptions in upstream locations,” said the MPA.

“The increase in container vessels arriving off-schedule and the increased container volumes handled resulted in longer vessels’ wait time for a container berth.”

It added: “The increased demand on container handling in Singapore is a result of several container lines discharging more containers as they forgo subsequent voyages to catch up on their next schedules. The number of containers handled per vessel has also increased.”

According to the eeSea liner database, there are currently 47 box vessels waiting for a berth at Singapore, and 53 undergoing cargo operations.

Meanwhile, new schedule reliability data released by Sea-Intelligence today says global schedule reliability has fallen to just over 50%, compared with around 65% at this point last year.

The interlocking dynamics of port congestion and deteriorating liner schedules appear to be acting like a fast-spreading infection, with carriers and forwarders trying to recoup the costs of moving containers through busy ports and severely delayed vessels.

The Loadstar receives reports of schedule delays, port omissions and equipment shortages on a daily basis.

Here’s one example from Dubai-headquartered NVOCC CargoGulf of its daily schedule update for just one of the vessels in its AGA service:

Vessel is undergoing cargo ops at JEA ETD 30 May (port stay of approx 89hrs). Vessel badly delayed due to NGB port closure / SHA/SHK congestion. Simulated 48 hrs berth delay at CMB due to berth congestion (and heavy monsoon winds/rain). SIN e/b will omit due to 5-7 days’ congestion.” 

As a result, CargoGulf commercial manager Hans-Henrik Nielsen told The Loadstar it had been forced to implement a $200 port congestion surcharge on all westbound services from tomorrow (1 June).

“As you can deduce from the above, every port in the pro forma schedule faces significant delays. You can pretty much allow 8-10 days delay in a normal 35-day round-trip.

“It also results in severe “bunching” of vessels. So, instead of a nice weekly frequency, we end up with three vessels in eight days – difficult for both shippers and us,” he explained.

The Q1 Schedule Reliability Scorecard, published by liner database eeSea this week, included an insight into how bunching and delays ripple across a service.

Breaking down the vessel arrivals on THE Alliance’s transpacific TP4 service, it is effectively a postmortem of schedule disruption, demonstrating how delays increase in magnitude over the course of several rotations.

Vessel bunching

Source: eeSea Q1 Schedule Reliability Scorecard (click to expand)

Even after the initial service calls, port congestion in China has meant vessels routinely arriving at the first North American port up to four days late, and often another 20 days late returning to Asia.

“Ports further down the rotation take the brunt of the hit,” noted eeSea. “The window of standard deviation grows progressively wider and increases in minimum delay, as do the frequency of extreme outliers, perfectly illustrating the ‘ripple’ effect of cumulative delay.”

The transpacific and Asia-Middle East may be different trades, but they face identical issues and Mr Nielsen explained how the bunching affected supply chains at an operational level.

“The extra cost is significant, and our equipment management is out the window – it’s impossible to get boxes to the right place at the right time.

“With the omittance of port calls, we also lose revenue. Bottom line – much higher cost and less revenue. Not the best combination for any business…”

And his message to carriers’ customers was to take every ETA with a large grain of salt.

“By now, there should not be a forwarder or importer unaware of this “across the board” situation – do not plan, promise or expect ‘just in time’.

“It’s more likely to snow in Dubai in June!” he said.



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